Ozeki Camera Recorder screenshots

Ozeki camera recorder login
Figure 1 - Log in with your Ozeki account

Ozeki camera recorder desktop
Figure 2 - Ozeki Camera Recorder desktop

Ozeki camera recorder main menu
Figure 3 - Ozeki Camera Recorder main menu

create an usb camera connection
Figure 4 - Create a camera connection

details of usb camera connection
Figure 5 - USB camera connection details

camera connections in ozeki camera recorder
Figure 6 - List of camera connections

stream the picture of the connected camera
Figure 7 - Live video of the connected camera

split view of 16 cameras
Figure 8 - Split view of 16 cameras

create a recording job
Figure 9 - Record the video of the connected camera

list of recorded videos
Figure 10 - List of recorded videos

periodic cleanup of the recordings
Figure 11 - Set a periodic cleanup for your videos